Fishing with Brooke
I will admit, I have not been coming up to Sayner-Star Lake as long as some other lucky people. I started coming up to this beautiful area in the summer of 2018 to visit my husband’s family cottage. When I came up for the first time we hit the Plum Lake golf course, paddled some beautiful rivers, and explored the surrounding areas. It wasn’t until we came back up to visit in summer of 2019 when I found out what I really loved to do and that was fish.
We decided to load up the canoes and head down to Frank Lake to catch enough bluegills for a fish fry. My husband and I set out on our adventure to find some gills but little did I know that the fishing I did back in my childhood would pay off. We caught enough bluegill for a fish fry and started to have an appreciation for the waters that Sayner-Star Lake had to offer.
Fast forward to summer of 2020, I decided to try my hand at jigging for the first time on Star Lake. I will be the first to say but not the last, Star Lake is not an easy lake to fish for your game fish. It can be a rather difficult lake, especially when you are not used to fishing like myself. I would jig for a bit and then enjoy the beautiful sunsets Star Lake had to offer. The more I practiced jigging, the better I got and started to FINALLY figure out how a bite felt and started to catch fish. First came the pike, then walleye, rock bass, large and smallmouth bass, and an occasional crappie and a surprise sucker.
When we would leave Sayner-Star Lake and head back home to our boring old Southwest Wisconsin, we decided to pick up on the fishing down here. We really started learning how to trout fish as the driftless region is very popular for that. We then found out there are some fantastic trout streams up in the Sayner-Star Lake area as well. Over the past couple years, we have really enjoyed exploring and learning more about the waters that Sayner-Star Lake has to offer.
So, if you are a beginner or expert when it comes to fishing, Sayner-Star Lake has a great selection of waters to choose from!
Some of our favorite waters:
Star Lake
Frank Lake
Ballard Lake
Irving Lake

Bio: Brooke Shulta currently lives in Cuba City, Wisconsin with her husband, Golden Retriever and 2 cats. She is expecting her first child in June and can't wait to take him on all of her fishing adventures! She works in telecommunications, but when she is not working or fishing, she can be found reading, baking, gardening or spending time with her family and friends. If you would like to follow more of her adventures, you can find her on Instagram at @Brooke_E_Lynn.